Monday, September 12, 2011

New Stuff- Flickr

As you can see, we are experimenting with Flickr as a way to showcase the pinhole photos people have taken with our pinholes. I've posted a few photographs from a couple years ago that the photographers shared with us. I realize I haven't put up all the correct information yet with them, the information is scattered around and I need to pull it all together.

There are a lot, and I mean, A LOT of photos on Flickr that are tagged Lenox Laser! So if you're interested in what others have done with our pinholes, just search Lenox Laser and you can see for yourself. Several of them are the DIY type when it comes to pinhole cameras too, so if you are into that, you should definitely check them out. I'll be adding more photos that we have over the next month, and working on interacting with those of you out there who use our pinholes. If you have any photos you want to share with us, please feel free! Add us on Flickr, and I'll look through your photos.


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